Are you ready for a challenge? Well, you've only got a minute to win it in these great activities! Minute to win it is a game show on evening tv where contestants only have a minute to win each activity to earn cash at the end of the night. In this version, your prizes can be anything you want and you can structure the game any way you like it or that suites the person participating! This can also be done in teams and or on individual bases. If working in teams there will be ones you can make where they both participate or one participant is chosen between the two of them.
All activities should be timed and last no longer than a minute unless you play two minutes to win it or whatever adaptation you have.
Size of Group: 2-6
Equipment: DIY materials for specific activities. The score sheet (linked here) or make one of your own!
Objective: Teamwork, Sportsmanship, Creativity, Problem Solving, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and encourage laughter and fun
Description: A minute seems like a long long time when you are bored and doing nothing but when you are pressed for time such as in these activities to complete a task it passes way faster than you want. Here is the description of a few of the activities you can include with your minute to win it challenges. You can always add new ones or adapt to any activity as needed. More games and Ideas can be looked up on Pinterest. Ideas are listed below and do not match the scorecards pictured.
Penny Stack- One person
Players have one minute to stack as pennies with one hand as they can. It’s harder than you may think!
The winner is the person who has the highest stack after one minute. If there aren't many people who will be able to compete and one person is more able than another you can set different numbers to be stacked by each individual.
Marshmallow Toss- One to two people
Participants can partner up and stand across from each other, about 2-4 feet apart.
One person has a handful of marshmallows and the other has a small paper cup. Students have one minute to toss as many marshmallows into the cup as possible.
When one person is doing the activity set the cup up on the ground or a table 3 -4 feet apart and have them throw mini marshmallows into the cups. The highest amount wins or set a limit they must reach.
Cereal Puzzle
What You Need – 1 Empty Box of Cereal
How to Play – Cut up a cereal box into small pieces and see who can reassemble it back in 1 minute. Tip – Use a pencil on the back to draw out pieces before you cut it up
Stack Attack
How to Play – First, split cups into two groups (21 each) and have participants compete against each other or the clock. You have one minute to unstack the cups and create a pyramid then restack the cups back into each other. Use the timer on your phone for this and write down the time as they finish. When all are done, look at the times to find a winner. Just add more cups if you want to have more than two people compete. Tip: when stacking cups up, don’t press them tightly together or they can be hard to get apart
Mummy Wrap
What You Need – Roll of Toilet Paper – how many you need is based on how many teams you have. Each team needs a roll.
How to Play – Each team has two wrappers and one individual to be wrapped with toilet paper. Players roll the toilet paper around the person until they are totally covered minus the eyes and mouth. If the paper breaks start again at the bottom or try and tie the paper together. This one can be a pretty hilarious group game.
Tip: You could use colored streamers instead of toilet paper to match a holiday theme such as red for Valentine’s Day.
Defy Gravity
What You Need – Two Balloons Per Team
How to Play – Players keep one hand behind their back and try to keep two balloons up in the air for one minute. Adjust how difficult this game is by adding or taking away balloons.
You could decide to make it more challenging by adding in something to help keep the balloons in the air such as a noodle or a stick of some sort.