Learn about wind and weather with this Clouds and Rain Weather Windsock Craft. Use it to decorate your front window or on the porch at home and watch as it catches the wind!
Images and Original Website can be found here
Size of Group- Any
Materials Needed:
blue construction paper
cotton balls
blue or white yarn
pipe cleaner
hole punch
Precut the yarn into 2 foot sections. Smaller pieces may be easier to manage, but anywhere between 1-2 feet will work nicely. Also Start by drawing a raindrop shape to use as a template, and then cut several out of a light blue piece of construction paper. This goes quickly by folding the paper into a small square and cutting many at a time.
First, participants will need to make the clouds. Do this by pulling and spreading the cotton balls (great fine motor activity) and gluing them to a blue piece of construction paper. This may be a good place to stop for a break while the glue dries, although it’s not necessary.
Next, you will want them to roll the paper into a tube and use tape to secure it. Some participants may need help with this part.
After the tube is made, the participants will use a hole punch to punch some holes around the bottom of the windsock (if it’s not already done in preparation).
Next the they will put the yarn through each hole. These do not need to be tied because the raindrops will be attached to each end of the yarn.
This ends up being a great fine motor activity as participants need to carefully poke and pull the yarn through the holes!